纽康LRB3000Pro功能全面。LRB 3000PRO双目激光测距仪由7×40光学元件与先进的数据处理算法相结合,可以测量距离达3000米(距离输出显示),同时提供内置数字罗盘的方位角。低功耗(一个电池持续5000次以上),符合人体工程学的橡胶装甲体,简单的双按钮操作和口径大的物镜,使它双筒望远镜观察和距离测量准确舒适,可选IP67防水等级的特殊版本,满足用户需求定制。
纽康测距仪都有一个可延展性功能,那就是可以与纽康夜视仪相连接,使功能达到佳效果。客户另外选购纽康NVS U型耦合器,就可以让测距仪和夜视仪完美兼容,纽康NVS U型耦合器是一种具有翻转功能的夹紧机械适配器,具有各种特殊功能,能够将夜视单眼(PVS 14)或护目镜(PVS7 / NVS7)连接到各种日常仪器,如激光测距仪,稳定图像双筒望远镜等。
Product quality determines the core competitiveness of the brand! Newcon Optik Canadian Niukangguangxue is the most advanced manufacturer of optical systems for R&D and manufacturing purposes that are exported to the world. Newcom's production R&D capabilities and quality are the highest standards, allowing users to be satisfied with high levels of satisfaction and can be trusted to purchase. The price of competitiveness and other key success factors have led to the recognition of Niukangguangxue's brand around the world. Globally, Niukangguangxue produces optical system products for use in military, law enforcement, reconnaissance, search and rescue, hunting, camping and marine professional departments. The Canadian dealer network of Niukangguangxue, which spans 5 continents, has 90 products that support adoption by professionals in 60 countries.
With such a strong brand background support, coupled with the hardware and functionality of the product itself, Newcomb LRB3000 Pro is the "leader" in the 3000 km laser rangefinder, which is the best-selling key to Newcomb LRB3000 Pro.
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